Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Here's to a Fruitful 2011

Here's to a great 2011 with the one and only
What would life be without my two big brothers?
Megan and I
getting ready to head out on the town
After spending a great New Years Eve with my family (my brothers Nick and Justin, my one and only Faustino, and my irreplaceable Megan), I'm starting to look forward again.  And as I said last year, I'll say it again this year...I'm excited about the New Year and whats coming.  Last year I had plans, and while some of them fanned out others fell short...very short.  This year, however is going to be different.  For one thing, as of yesterday around 2 we unplugged our cable.  Not only did we cancel the cable (actually we cancelled it in August they just continued streaming it to us for free) we actually unplugged the cable cord.  This means that if we turn on the tv we see static/white noise.  Yay!  This is a new step for me and I'm stoked with what this will mean for me.  That being said this is what it will mean...

More creativity:
A week ago I decided I wanted a challenge.  I wasn't sure what kind of challenge I wanted but I knew that I needed something where I would be held accountable.  Accountable to myself.  And what did I find but...Creative Every Day Challenge.  Now this seemed PERFECT.  I had wanted to be more creative for months but hadn't had the drive to do anything after a long day of work...especially since the tv was right there waiting for me to turn it on.  With the tv turned off, it will give me more incentive to find other things to do with my spare time.  Like finishing the scrapbook I started last year for my year abroad or sewing projects I had started in my teens and recently.  So among other small "resolutions" for the year, this is my goal.  I want to be creative every day whether it be finishing my knitting projects, completing new sewing ideas or taking pictures.  This year will be a year of putting my creativity to the test.  I'm putting myself to the test.  And I'm looking forward to the challenge.  And of course, I'm going to try to maintain my blog along the way, blogging about the adventures in creativity I'm having.

Keep coming back for a great year of great creativity.

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